Segmentation of customers, products and invoices is what allows the MRR Churn application to take the analysis to a whole new level, from information and discovery to root cause investigation and management action. The purposes of this set of dashboards is to visually compare multiple segments directly against each other with respect to many of the KPIs highlighted in other dashboards. However, it cannot be emphasized enough that segmentation analysis functionality is always just one click away in all the other dashboards as well. The only difference is that those dashboards only allow for a single customer segment or single product segment to be displayed at the same time for a dashboard view, and invoice segments are generally not applicable to those dashboards. So comparisons between different segments on those dashboards would have to be done indirectly (in succession) by changing the selection parameters for the whole dashboard.
By contrast, directly comparing multiple segments within the same segmentation hierarchy against each other is easy and automated in this set of dashboards. Moreover, there is no requirement that every customer or every product be allocated to a segment within a hierarchy. Such flexibility can be useful when a segmentation hierarchy may only be applicable to certain BUs or legal entities in an enterprise environment.
A virtually unlimited number of segmentation hierarchies is possible, but they can be broken down into three basic types: standard, configurable, and customized. Standard segmentation hierarchies are created automatically based on data that already exists in the core MRR Churn application. However, even these may be configurable to the extent of allowing user-editable thresholds for certain quantifiable categories. By contrast, configurable segmentation hierarchies are generally based on data or metadata sources outside of the core MRR Churn application, even though the hierarchies themselves are considered generic/standard to almost all recurring revenue businesses. Finally, customized segmentation hierarchies are also generally based on external data or metadata sources. However, these hierarchies can have a custom ID and name, and they can be entirely based on a very specific, user-defined need that other recurring revenue businesses may never use. The segmentation hierarchies that currently exist or are planned, and what type they are, are listed below:
Customer Segmentation Hierarchies | Segmentation Type | |
1 | Location | Standard (when postal codes in billing data) |
2 | Size (ARR) | Standard |
3 | Avg. Net Price Increase % | Standard |
4 | Avg. Recog. Months | Standard |
5 | Industry | Configurable |
6 | Distribution Channel | Configurable |
7 | Lead Source | Configurable |
8 | NPS (“Net Promoter Score”) | Configurable |
9 | NPS PY | Standard when NPS data loaded |
10 | NPS Change YoY | Standard when NPS data loaded |
11 | CES (“Customer Engagement Score”) | Configurable |
12 | CES PY | Standard when CES data loaded |
13 | CES Change YoY | Standard when CES data loaded |
14 | PES (“Product Engagement Score”) | Configurable |
15 | PES PY | Standard when PES data loaded |
16 | PES Change YoY | Standard when PES data loaded |
17 | Retention Hours | Configurable (but likely Future Standard) |
18 | Expansion Hours | Configurable (but likely Future Standard) |
19 | Billable Hours | Configurable (but likely Future Standard) |
20 | Support Manager | Configurable (but likely Future Standard) |
21 | Sales Manager | Configurable (but likely Future Standard) |
22 | Services Manager | Configurable (but likely Future Standard) |
23 | Customer Class | Configurable |
24 | Backlog / ARR | Configurable for Backlog (ARR is Standard) |
25 | AR / ARR | Future Standard (AR data source planned) |
26 | Days AR | Future Standard (AR data source planned) |
27 | Avg. Collection Days | Future Standard (AR data source planned) |
… | Custom Segmentation Hierarchies | Customized |
Product (Item) Segmentation Hierarchies | Segmentation Type | |
1 | Avg. Net Price Increase % | Standard |
2 | Avg. Recog. Months | Standard |
3 | Vendor | Configurable |
4 | Market | Configurable |
5 | Product Manager | Configurable |
6 | Product Class | Configurable |
… | Custom Segmentation Hierarchies | Customized |
Invoice Segmentation Hierarchies | Segmentation Type | |
1 | Document Type | Standard |
2 | Location | Standard (when postal codes in billing data) |
3 | Avg. Advanced Bill Days | Standard |
4 | Avg. Recog. Months | Standard |
… | Custom Segmentation Hierarchies | Customized |